Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Condom Story

Hmm.. been writing gibberish and making lots and lots of errors. Here's a not so gibberish post...

This incident happened about a week ago (during hari raya) when I was in Mid-Valley shopping with my friend. My pal and I went shopping (yes... men do shopping too) to look for some stuffs that he wanted. The list was long; spanning from the top to bottom of his feet. It was quite enjoyable really... hadn't been out hanging out with the guys for some time already.

So our last stop for the day was Watsons. My friend wanted to look for some prescription medicine and so we headed towards the end of the pharmacy. Right before reaching the pharmacist counter was a rack filled with lots of stuffs... ( I can't remember though..) and at the very end portion of the rack was condoms. Yes, I haven't mentioned that Watsons was on Sale that day... So most of the stuffs we're having discounts; including the condoms. Right in front of the rack was a tag and on it, written "15% off". Hmm.. If i needed it, that would be a great time to get those jumbo packs.

So anyway, as both of us walked past the aisle I noticed a man standing in front of the condoms rack and looking at the Durex box. He picked one up and well... maybe he was wondering which one to buy. On the same aisle, was a pretty looking girl standing near the guy. She had the innocent look and quite an adorable lass at first sight. As we walked pass the man, he turned around and spoke to the girl out loud "Look! got discount sammore.."

Immediately I glanced at the girl and she was blushing with nowhere to hide. Her reaction was like she didn't even knew the guy and immediately walked off the aisle to the next rack, blushinig and smiling away... It seemed that the girl was the guy's girlfriend and needless to say... hehehehe

Oh well, i guess he won't have the pleasure to use those condoms that night after an embarrassing moment at the pharmacy. What would you do... if your boyfriend did the same stupid mistake like him? ... Hmmm... i don't even wanna know ....

1 comment:

teckiee said...

if you are doing it, means doing it. Dont think there's anything to be shy about. I'll go "lets go for the spiky ones!" LOL!