Wednesday, December 03, 2008

How low will it go, how dark will it get...

Sorry folks, really stopped having juicy thoughts to write about. I'm depressed.

Deep, Dark, Cold.

I know my problems aren't the end of the world. I also know that there's more to life. But how do you jump out from an emotional shithole? Out of the shitpile, into the shithole... I keep running up to dead ends.

I saw a beacon of light... a glimpse of hope... but it died before it found life...

Am really dead tired of it. My beliefs are all falling apart. Why must everyone tell me to do everything that's beyond my wantings... Everything! All I can do, is to let it all go... stop trying... stop approaching... stop everything...

So near, yet so far... Its a stalemate... What should I do? Please, tell me... no turning back, yet no steps forward...

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