Tuesday, August 11, 2009

plastic explosives...

tension on strings...

Friday, August 07, 2009

The longest second, minute, hour, day, week.

Its been a while and my post still seemed to be gray, gloomy. Not too dark, and yet not too bright either.

Decisions, decisions... life is full of them. Some which I am glad that I made them, some not so proud and some just takes a little bit of time to digest.

I wonder what is it like to live in other people's shoes? Seeing things from a different aspect altogether. It would be cool, perhaps... hmmm... nah... no answer for that one.

Today, is definitely one of the longest time in my life. So much can happen in a split second which will change our lives forever. One call, one missed call, anything at all...

Its never easy, it never was, and never will be for a person like me. What I am like? thats something I don't know now that I'm here at this age. What I am sure is that it is not an easy day after all... Sometimes we do things we aren't proud of, sometimes we do things that are out of our control and sometimes we make decisions that we do not enjoy at all.

But hey, you there... yes.. you kid, thats life. Recalling a phrase that goes by "God doesn't give you what you want, but what you need". I'm not trying to be religious but put a thought in it, its true; the underlying msg. While it may not be nice, it might be what's best for us. Life's not a constant... you'd never know.

If we met in another time, things would be different... time will tell.

I'll still care...